Press & Praise

Below please find a few media mentions and interviews with Julianne, as well as love notes from her clients. Please email for all media requests.




Podcast Interview:

“Pinterest Marketing for Wedding Professionals”

Join Julianne as she talks all things weddings and Pinterest with host, Kate Ahl of the Simple Pin Podcast.

The Simple Pin Podcast is the best podcast for Pinterest marketing, known for practical advice and, helpful Pinterest tips for businesses in the real world.

In Episode 121, Pinterest Marketing for Wedding Professionals, Julianne and Kate talk about how to use Pinterest if you are a wedding planner, photographer or business in the wedding industry.

Julianne shares the behind the scenes of what makes pinning in the wedding industry different than other markets. They also talk about the importance of understanding the seasonality of weddings within your Pinterest strategy.


Podcast Interview:

“What’s Working Right Now On Pinterest”

Technology and online platforms are changing fast. Pinterest is no exception. In Episode 168 of the best and most helpful wedding podcast for wedding businesses, This Week In Weddings, Julianne talks with hosts Kimberly and Annie about what is working right now on Pinterest for the wedding industry.

Julianne gives practical tips that listeners can do right away to improve their Pinterest traffic. She also talks about what Pinterest is and what it isn’t and how Pinterest can help wedding professionals, like planners, photographers & more, help potential clients and book more business through Pinterest.

as seen in

what clients are saying

“That is exactly what I needed. I've already made most of the changes you suggested and can see the difference already.”



“I’m so thankful you’re teaching again. You have a gift for understanding the tech and explaining it so that we know what we need to know and nothing more.”


“After Juli reorganized my Pinterest account, I saw an immediate jump in traffic. Pinterest now leads ahead of Instagram and Facebook for website referrals.”



“I just booked a client who found me on Pinterest, so thank you for all the work that you did!