100-ish Word Thought: How do you act

Social media pressures with online wedding marketing; beige graphic reading "How do you act"; Julianne Smith

Action Can Speak Louder Than Photos

How do you show up if you take the cameras away and take the social media documentation away or don’t post? What would you wear? Who do you invite? How do you show up without the cameras and the possibility of sharing with the world? I think about this all the time when I’m working for my clients. Almost all of my work is never documented. For one reason or another, I just can’t or don’t get photos or videos of my work. Whether it's no photos or NDAs or speakeasy supper clubs or secret accountability groups or the all-too-often instances when we can’t share, it has to be about more the outward expression of our work. It has to be about the client. How do we make them feel? How does our work impact their life? Only part of marketing involves photos. Marketing also includes feelings, emotions, and memories that have nothing to do with how many likes a photo gets on Instagram - if it was posted at all. How you act and who you interact with without the cameras matters just as much - if not more - than how you present when the cameras are rolling.

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