100-ish Word Thought: Tomorrow Thinking

Tomorrow La Land

How many times have you put marketing tasks that you know you need to do until tomorrow? Stop lying to yourself, saying you'll do it tomorrow. Promising yourself today that you'll do it tomorrow, on Monday, the first of the month, or in the off-season is an excuse. There’s a difference between putting it off because you truly don’t have time at the moment, and putting it off as a means of blowing it off. The latter is a little white lie that makes us feel better in the short term, but in the long term, feels like crap. Because, guess what? Tomorrow never comes. You never write a blog post. You never set up the email newsletter. You never do the thing. If you're stuck in tomorrow-land justifications, I encourage you to stop breaking promises to yourself and simply take the thing off your to-do list. If it was that important, you would have done it by now. And, if it is truly important, the better question is not when do I have time, it's why am I not making time?

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